Hyleys Instagram Contest

3:17 AM

Are you traveling this summer? Take us with you and get a chance to win free tea!
This summer we will be following our customers to find the most creative pictures, we would love to see where Hyleys travels to.




Contest Rules:

We would love to see how you are spending your summer and drinking your Hyleys Tea. Every Friday we will be giving a free box of tea to the best picture of the week.
  1. Follow @HyleysTeaOnline on Instagram
  2. Allow @HyleysTeaOnline to follow you back
  3. Starting on July 11th   – August 18th take a photo and show us how you take Hyleys this summer.
  4. Share your picture on Instagram,
  5. Make sure to tag us using @hyleysteaonline and add #HyleysTravelingTea to your image description.
  6. Every Friday we will select the our favorite picture, share and comment on the winning picture on our Instagram account (@hyleysteaonline)
  7. We will notify the winners via direct messages on how to redeem the free tea.

Note: In order to see your entry, you must follow @hyleysteaonline and allow us to follow you back. By entering the contest you approve & authorize that we share your entry picture on Hyleys’ social media accounts.
No purchase necessary.

Follow us on Instagram at @hyleysteaonline

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